Sunday, February 01, 2009

Now at

Hi. I’ve decided to consolidate my personal blogging activities and have started a wordpress blog, Anything that I might have posted here at ontoTravel will now be posted there. Same goes for content that I might have published at ontoLondon or the The Adventures of Tiki Chris: it will now be posted on the new site. I'm not doing away with these old sites - just not actively posting on them anymore. Indeed, I may find some need to publish content through them in the future.

To be sure, there will be plenty of travel related content on the new blog. In fact, I have a feeling there may be even more of it in the next year! For off-the-cuff mobile blogging, I’m keeping my Tumblr blog, tikichris-to-go. If you haven’t checked it out yet. I hope you will, I have a lot of fun with it.

Thanks so much to regular followers of this blog. It means a great deal to me to have had you “tuning in” these past few years. I look forward to continuing the journey with you!

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

London, I’m Coming Home (Qype does London)

London, I’m Coming Home
Chris Osburn
Qype does London
January 11th 2009

I’m sitting here at
Hartsfield International Airport (ick) in Atlanta waiting for my flight back to Heathrow (double ick). Despite the prospect of an especially sinister case of jetlag and an ever increasing pile of work waiting to gang up on me across The Pond, I’m more than ready to return. Three weeks is a long time to be away. I miss my wife, my kitties, my daily routine and the city I call home.

Read the complete
London, I’m Coming Home post at Qype does London.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Pub Quiz Winner! (Qype does London)

Pub Quiz Winner!
Chris Osburn
Qype does London
January 7th 2009

Pub Quiz Prize: My Very Own Double Cola Scarf!

To be honest, this was my first pub quiz, something I’ve always associated with London. Maybe they used to have them back when I lived here, but I don’t remember ever hearing about pub quizzes then or on any past visits. Anyway, our team won ...

Read the complete
Pub Quiz Winner! post at Qype does London.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I Like Bodean’s But … (Qype does London)

I Like Bodean’s But …
Chris Osburn
Qype does London
January 3rd 2009

Big Bob Gibson Bar-B-Q

Don’t get me wrong; I like
BoDean’s (especially their wings). But they could learn a thing or twelve from world famous master of the pit, Big Bob Gibson. As I said in my last post ...

Read the complete
I Like Bodean’s But … at Qype does London.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

“London Style” Fish & Chips in Chattanooga, Tennessee (Qype does London)

“London Style” Fish & Chips in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Chris Osburn
Qype does London
January 2nd 2009

Tugboat London Style Fish & Chips (Chattanooga, Tennessee)

Driving around Chattanooga, Tennessee the other day I happened upon the above pictured van advertising
Tugboat “London Style” Fish & Chips. I thought all you folks back in the UK would get a kick out of it.

Read the complete
“London Style” Fish & Chips in Chattanooga, Tennessee post at Qype does London.